Friday, March 02, 2007

Strange, Stupid and Dumb Laws In Illinois

In Chicago, people who are diseased, maimed, mutilated, or deformed to the point of being ``an unsightly or disgusting object'' are banned from going out in public.

In Chicago, it is illegal to fish in one's pajamas.

In Chicago, it is illegal to take a French poodle to the opera.

According to state law, it is illegal to speak English. The officially recognized language is ``American.''

In Guernee, it is illegal for women weighing more than 200 pounds to ride horses in shorts.

In Joliet, it is illegal to mispronounce the name Joliet.

In Normal it is illegal to make faces at dogs.

In Chicago it is illegal to eat in a place that is on fire.

You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person.

You may be convicted of a Class 4 felony offense, punishable by up to three years in state prison, for the crime of "eavesdropping" on your own conversation.

You must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile.

*A state law in Illinois mandates that all bachelors should be called master, not mister, when addressed by their female counterparts.

*In Oblong, Illinois, it's punishable by law to make love while hunting or fishing on your wedding day.


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